Our Agreement

Together we will:

Treat each other with respect, create a happy and secure school in which all can work together to the best of our ability.

School will:

  • Make sure the child comes to school on time.
  • Make sure the child attends school regularly; telephone and subsequently send a note of explanation for any absence.
  • Ensure that the child wears the school uniform
  • Encourage the child’s learning in school

Family will:

  • Provide a safe and secure place where children can work, Learn and play.
  • Encourage children to do their best at all times.
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Encourage children to care for others and for their surroundings.
  • Keep parents informed of their children’s progress.
  • Inform parents about what we intend to teach their Children.

Child will:

  • Be gentle, not hurt anybody
  • Be kind, not hurt other’s feelings
  • Be honest, not cover up the truth
  • Work hard, not waste time
  • Look after property, not waste or damage things
  • Listen to people, not interrupt